Details Books Concering Amintiri din copilărie
Original Title: | Amintiri din copilarie |
Ion Creangă
Audiobook | Pages: 130 pages Rating: 3.87 | 4856 Users | 37 Reviews
Declare About Books Amintiri din copilărie
Title | : | Amintiri din copilărie |
Author | : | Ion Creangă |
Book Format | : | Audiobook |
Book Edition | : | Special Edition |
Pages | : | Pages: 130 pages |
Published | : | 1971 by Minerva (first published January 1st 1877) |
Categories | : | European Literature. Romanian Literature. Classics. Fiction. Cultural. Romania. Childrens |
Narration Conducive To Books Amintiri din copilărie
This worked a lot better than I'd expected. I bought it in Suceava, Romania because the bookstore employee told me it was "very famous", although his familiarity may come from being closer to its Moldavian setting, which several other locals urged me to visit, than someone, say, in Bucharest. I was more than a little worried I'd be reading a dull hagiography about life in Romania's nineteenth century mountains, but it turned out to be the memoirs of an unrepentant scamp. I wouldn't have wanted Ion as a friend growing up, no matter how old he'd been when he pursued his minor sins. From the first, I found myself tut-tutting at his stealing of cherries from his aunt's cherry trees. Somehow I can't accept that I did worse as a child, or that stealing fruit from your neighbors' trees quickly turned up in two other books I'd been reading, "Good Omens" and "Tortilla Flat". Somehow it sounds worse when its being told with relish by the antagonist. Only once does he blame the devil by name, but it now sounds like sarcasm. Is this a book for children or only Romanian children? I remembered Ion's stories a lot longer than stories and fables in a half dozen books I'd been reading at the same time. I wish that Ion had listened to his old driver who was warning him that life on the plains, which Ion was moving to, was intrinsically worse than their mountain village. But I fear that Ion died too young, at 52, in Bucharest. This was one of the humourous books which "worked". About Books Amintiri din copilărie
Ratings: 3.87 From 4856 Users | 37 ReviewsWrite-Up About Books Amintiri din copilărie
Am citit Amintiri din Copilarie in scoala generala, fiind parte din materia pentru limba romana.Nici pana in ziua de astazi nu inteleg de ce toata lumea iubeste cartea asta. A fost un chin sa o termin. Simt ca nu m-a imbogatit cu nimic.Am înțeles-o mai bine de data asta, dar tot nu-mi place.
3,8🌟/5.Am recitit această carte. Mi-a plăcut la fel de mult și mi-a plăcut de Nică deoarece am râs mult de el.Recomand atât copiilor, cât și adulților. Mi-a plăcut și maturizarea lui din ultimul capitol. 😊
Bom žorno,Vzpomínky z dětství jsou o tom, jaké bídné životy měli mladí lidé v Rumunsku předtím než se vynalezl Instagram a nikdo nemohl dělat selfie, instastories a lajkovat věci. Musela to být naprostá hrůza, kterou si nikdo z nás pravděpodobně nedokáže představit. Například se museli dívat na věci nebo jíst jídla, místo aby je fotili. Už teď mám husí kůžu. Kluci navíc museli chodit do kostela a musím zdůrazňovat, že tam nebyl Playstation? Jedinej play station byl v zákristií a to jste si
Eu una sunt de parere ca nu ai avut copilarie daca nu ai citit cand erai mic "Amintiri din copilarie".M-am regasit de multe ori in aceste povestiri iar unele din nazdravaniile mele de copil par rupte din aceasta carte.Chiar si acum o recitesc cu placere si nu pot sa imi ascund zambetul cand ma gandesc la propriile mele amintiri din copilarie.
This worked a lot better than I'd expected. I bought it in Suceava, Romania because the bookstore employee told me it was "very famous", although his familiarity may come from being closer to its Moldavian setting, which several other locals urged me to visit, than someone, say, in Bucharest. I was more than a little worried I'd be reading a dull hagiography about life in Romania's nineteenth century mountains, but it turned out to be the memoirs of an unrepentant scamp.I wouldn't have wanted
Hai mai bine despre copilărie să povestim, căci ea singură este veselă și nevinovată.
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